Snus Reviews: Iceberg 150mg Nicotine Pouches

Snus Reviews: Iceberg 150mg Nicotine Pouches

150mg nicotine pouches are extremely strong, make no mistake. Remember the days you would see the old man outside of the pub puffing on Camel cigarettes? They could have knocked out a horse with their strength! As a frequent user of Snus at varying strength levels between 30mg and 50mg, I thought it would be worth trying Iceberg 150mg nicotine pouches. Part of me did it as an experiment and to critically review a product, and part did it for fun. Either way, here are the results.

What are Iceberg 150mg Nicotine Pouches?

These Iceberg pouches are a version of legal Snus in the UK that are made from plant-based fillers, water, and nicotine. Traditional Swedish Snus is banned in the UK, so the legal variants of the product have increased. Strengths vary from 3mg to the strength in review: 150mg. Our Iceberg 150mg nicotine pouches are always in stock and staring at me from the shelving unit in our warehouse. Today, the stare from the black, blue, and silver packaging got the best of me. I thought I would give it a go.

Settings: Me, 150mg Iceberg Pouches, and the Office Sofa!

All banter aside, I remember my first Snus. The Siberia Snus, way back in 2014. I remember waking up to fits of laughter from my friends after it knocked me out. With the concept in mind, I thought preparing for something that could do the same is essential. As an experienced Snus user, I know that preparation can be critical when it comes to strength. Several people take their first Snus, or nicotine pouch, in a nightclub. The alcohol-infused overconfidence has also rendered most of the guys into bursts of projectile sickness. I have laughed at many of my friends' inability to keep their Peroni down after a pouch. It stands to reason that I would prepare myself in such a way that I wouldn’t be the next Snusboys meme. 

Iceberg 150mg Nicotine Pouches: The Flavour

There were several flavours, but I thought I would try the Iceberg Black. On our site, I read about the Tutti Frutti infused flavour profile. A small part of me was drawn to the flavour, most probably due to the nostalgia relating to Fruit Salad sweets! I loved those little rectangular shapes of joy when I was younger. Well, I was wrong; it tasted nothing like Fruit Salad sweets! 

The Iceberg 150mg had a sharp burn that oozed a fruity burst initially. The flavour quickly became etched into my gum. Sometimes, flavoured nicotine pouches will hold their taste for more extended periods of time. With this particular pouch, the flavour bursts from the seams for the first minute. As the burn began to creep in, the flavour subsided, leaving the joy ride that is 150mg pouches to ensue.

The Strength: Like Steroids, on Steroids

I can honestly say that these 150mg pouches should come with a road warning sign. I can only liken the strength to something of a high-speed car. The strength grew, and grew, and grew… and grew. After two minutes or so, the pouch seemed to be taking hold. I have never, in my life, felt like I was on a rollercoaster while remaining motionless. 


The incredible strength in these pouches are understated by the words I can write. After ten minutes, and a t-shirt drenched in sweat, I knew it was time to take the pouch out. The scariest thing is that the strength seemed to be continually growing. You can keep nicotine pouches in the gum for up to forty minutes. I have no idea where this Iceberg pouch would have taken me after that long a period. 

150mg Nicotine Pouches: The Effects

Petulant egotism would have me writing that it wasn’t too bad, or I was okay. I have to be completely honest. My first experience of a 150mg Iceberg pouch was pretty rough. I kept sweating, my throat was dry, and I had a crazy deadness in my left arm. How people can build tolerance to such strength is beyond me. I tried to sit up after I took the pouch out, and it felt like I was trying to carry a human on my shoulders. I literally felt like I had sat up, but my brain remained on the sofa lying down. Time slowed, and had it not been for the revitalising downing of my Evian, I felt as though I may have remained that way for a while!

Paradoxically, my first experience of 150mg was also pretty fun! I can certainly see why people are allured into the huge strengths offered by nicotine pouches today. Many may see some of my effects as negative, some will see positives. 

Who should buy them?

Anyone who is a bit of a thrill seeker will enjoy the strength these pouches have in abundance. The nicotine pouch market is booming with varied strengths, and Iceberg is solidifying their hold at 150mg. I am not sure my personal tolerance level will ever be as high. But, for those who fancy either getting used to or having some fun with these pouches, Iceberg is great. The flavour is sharp and strong, the strength is undeniable, and the composition is fantastic. 

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