Siberia Snus Review - Tried and Tested Greatness

Siberia Snus Review - Tried and Tested Greatness

Siberia is a brand created by GN Tobacco and is, on paper, the strongest Snus on the market. I have been doing Snus for nearly ten years and have tried virtually every Snus available. The nicotine pouch market in the UK has been growing exponentially over the past two years. How does Siberia Red compare against the many competitors these days? Here are my thoughts.


A little background about Siberia Snus

I first tried Siberia in 2015 after a football match. I had spent 90 minutes running around and probably lost, knowing our form back then. It was on the team coach on the way to London after a game up North when someone offered me a "Sibe." As an undercover smoker, I agreed that I should try what we all knew was happening in football with Snus. At the time, I knew about the existence of Snus from changing room chatter but had never actually seen one. The nameless Championship player (who was on loan then) gave me my first Siberia Snus.

After lodging the pouch between my gum and upper lip, I let the sibe do its thing. Around 10 minutes into the load, I was already asleep. I remember huge waves of relaxation taking over my body and the complete calmness of my mind. It was a nice enough feeling to disregard the slight burning sensation where the pouch sat.


8 Years Later - Siberia Review as a Seasoned Pro

After trying so many Snus over the years, you would think I would be numb to the feeling by now. Even with the inception of so many stronger Snus on paper, Siberia still reigns as king. Even now, Siberia White Dry has something about it that is incomparable to other Snus, or nicotine pouches. Perhaps it is the flavour, or perhaps the composition of the pouches? The feeling sibes offer is, without fail, one of the best for those looking to calm body and mind.

The Siberia Pouch Composition

The white dry portion version of Siberia has a dry and familiar feeling. They sit cleanly against the gum and upper lip and almost slightly solidify themselves due to the dryness. Against some of the wet portions you can buy today I find Siberia a little more comfortable.

Siberia Strength at 43mg

Ok, if you are new to Snus, these pouches will rock your world. They are too strong for beginners, period. If you think you will order Snus for the first time and take a Siberia, then you should prepare for a ridiculous head rush. The number of people I have seen sick in nightclubs for trying them for the first time is insane.

But, if you have been using other nicotine pouches, maybe a little weaker or even a little stronger, you will be impressed. The strength is enough to ensure you get that feeling of nicotine quickly and powerfully but without being overbearing.

Siberia Snus Flavour Review

The flavour will suit those that have smoked or currently smoke. When trying Siberia for the first time, I was a smoker. The flavour was familiar, almost a little like that strong morning cigarette you have when you wake up. It was enough to force me to stop smoking and move on to these Snus exclusively. While that was a phenomenal achievement at the time, it has caveats, which I will discuss. But, the familiarity in the flavour helped me to achieve a goal I had tried and failed at tens of times before using this Snus.



Siberia Review: Where to Buy?

After 2015 I noticed several exclusive WhatsApp groups had established themselves in the UK as Snus dealers. I tried to use several of them but found the unprofessionalism too much to bear. I decided to use Snusline, but the turnaround time of over two weeks to receive my Siberia was too much to maintain my Snus needs. Now, ordering from these EU based companies means you will not only pay for delivery, but you will also pay taxes when your goods arrive in the country. Not so long ago I paid £130 for an order of Siberia, and then had to pay a further £110 when it arrived at my post office. Nightmare!

I found Snusboys some three years ago, and they were astonishingly professional and ahead of their time in customer service. Hence me writing this article some three years later!


Siberia Snus Review: Are they Addictive?

The short answer is yes!

But are they as addictive as smoking? I don't think that they are. Nicotine is an addictive substance in whatever form you decide to transfuse nicotine into the body. That being said, I firmly believe anything can be addictive. Look at Amazon Prime in 2023 and see "Porn Addiction" as a documentary. The concept of overuse is severely overlooked in so much of life. Management of yourself, your reasons for using Snus, and your moderation and addiction is unlikely. But, if you get to a point that you are putting a Sibe in for only 5 minutes at a time and going through a box a day, then you are probably overstepping the line!


What are the Best Siberia Products?

I have tried virtually all of the Siberia Snus. I remember how excited I was when they reversed the colour on the packaging and had a deep black with red lines. When they arrived they were a dark portion of Snus, something I had not used since "Thunder" days (if you know, you know). Hands down, they are the worst Sibe product in my opinion.

The best has to be the Siberia Red. The flavour is exceptional, the consistency of the pouch is immaculate, and the strength is always on point. If you want to try it out, then you can order one today from Snusboys


Siberia Review: Final Thoughts

As much as I would like to be unbiased, it is hard to deny obvious quality. There is a reason so many footballers do Snus, and Siberia is a large part of that. Perhaps it is the familiar packaging, but certainly it is something to do with the strength. For a relaxing product, that can take you to your little dream world for twenty minutes, Siberia is world-class. With the prices rising in the UK dramatically over the past couple of years, finding decent pricing can be difficult. But, with Snusboys, the prices remain pretty consistent, and with free next day delivery, you shouldn't be running out of Sibes any time soon.

Top 5 Strongest Snus in 2024